First-time purchasers of modular shipping containers need to determine three important details before they start the process:

  1. The project location
  2. The modular structures’ purpose
  3. The type of modular shipping container to design & build with FreeForm Development

Of these three details, choosing the type of modular shipping container is often dismissed in favor of the projects’ location & purpose. That’s because many people are more concerned with where the project will be located rather than what the project will include — but we all know how it’s what’s on the inside that counts! Don’t underestimate any of the 3 mentioned points.

Shipping Container Construction

Shipping Containers — or, more specifically, modular shipping containers designed & constructed by FreeForm Development — is the ideal material for many kinds of residential & commercial projects. FreeForm Development recreates & innovates modular shipping containers to fit your projects’ location, while also achieving the projects purpose. Made of the highest-quality, FreeForm Development will assist in the design, modification or complete construction to ensure your project is a success. FreeForm Development can also customize any modular shipping container to fit your projects location, whether big or small – FreeForm is here to help!

Modular Shipping Container Purpose

Modular shipping containers can be customized to fit a wide-array of different businesses. FreeForm Development can create any commercial office space using modular construction materials. Defining the purpose of the shipping container is one of the most important steps. As a California State Licensed Modular Manufacturer, FreeForm Development can streamline the entire modular construction building process & create the project you’ve been dreaming of. Once the design & purpose of the modular container is solidified, FreeForm development will start the modular construction process, bringing your project to life. Modular shipping container projects can also include modular bars & commercial kitchens, restrooms & small residential spaces.

Modular Design & Build with FreeForm

If you’re buying your first modular shipping container, you should know that you can have multiple uses for modular space. Unlike other residential or commercial building options, the circumstances where design is limited due to materials is limited. FreeForm development can construct large commercial projects such as modular shipping container bars, restaurants or modular office buildings customized to your requirements! Please contact us if you are ready to move forward with a modular shipping container, or if you have any questions about the process! (+1-844-999-0089)